September Update from the VanderSchels
VANDERSCHELS PENIEL BIBLE CAMP SEPT 2016 Summer Summary… People ask us all the time, “How did camp go this summer?” Oh, what a question! How do you summarize weeks and weeks of busyness, exhaustion, excited campers, activities, amazing staff, life-changing … Continue reading

SEPT 2016
People ask us all the time, “How did camp go this summer?” Oh, what a question! How do you summarize weeks and weeks of busyness, exhaustion, excited campers, activities, amazing staff, life-changing decisions, campfire testimonies, camp meals, renewed friendships, and beautiful, sunny days?
Psalm 126:3 The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.
Ashlyn, Brenna, and Carson always enjoy their week to be “campers”, rather than just “camp staff”. The girls attended Teen 2, and Carson had a great week during his first week of Teen 1 camp.
Izaac assumed the role of “Launch Director” throughout our space-themed program, Mission Control. A giant space shuttle, model rocket building and launching, and nighttime stargazing activities were the highlights of our youth camp weeks. We were so thankful to have godly men preach truth from the chapel pulpit each week, and many eternal decisions for the Lord were made by the juniors, teens, and adults throughout the summer.
The Cage, our newest game building, was certainly given a proper initiation this summer. Men, women, and kids all enjoyed the foxhole/human foosball both during the day and at night under the lights. Cheers, laughter, and grunts from those playing and from spectators lining the perimeter could be heard all across camp. Thank you to all those who donated time and funds to help make the Cage possible.
The Snack Shop introduced another new addition to the camp this summer— frozen, blended drinks. Smoothies, shakes, and chillers were a definite success with campers of all ages. Vanilla bean shakes, mango smoothies, and café mocha chillers were at the top of the “favorites” list! Although many folks still miss the soft serve ice cream machine, these new cool treats are the next best thing!
This summer marked a full year of living in our new house on camp. We still marvel at God’s goodness to our family in providing this beautiful place to live. Lots of house projects were put on the back burner during the busy summer camp months, but we look forward to completing some of those as well as some of the exterior landscaping in the months ahead.
Although we are certainly busy with our own OBF camps during the summer months, we appreciate many other ministries that love Camp Peniel, and consider it “their” camp. We helped facilitate rental groups that held their own teen camps, junior camps, family camps, youth group retreats, a men and boys retreat, a craft retreat, and work weeks from churches in Ohio, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Maryland this past spring and summer. We look forward to future years of partnership with many of these ministries. After the new year, our family will begin scheduling meetings for the winter and spring to present the camp ministry to churches across the state.
- This was our 15th summer serving at Peniel!
- Ashlyn and Brenna were two years old our first summer in 2002. Now, they’re juniors in high school, are driving, and have jobs.
- Carson was born the DAY AFTER we got home from our second summer at camp in 2003! He turned 13 this summer.
Looking ahead…
Although summer is over, and we look forward to fall at Peniel, camp doesn’t stop. Kim and Izaac host Peniel’s outdoor education program called FACE Camp. F.A.C.E. stands for Finding Adventure in Creation Exploration. This interactive program is available for 3rd-12th grade students in Christian school and homeschool groups. The 1-3 day program is a wonderful opportunity for students to experience education in a unique setting. Students will learn about Creation and their place in it from a Biblical perspective, both in classroom and outdoor settings and through hands-on activities. Subjects of study include: stargazing, nature hikes, botany, aquatic studies, geology, survival skills, and wildlife. There are still openings available in our FACE camp schedule for Spring 2016 and Fall 2017. Please contact us if you have questions or would like to schedule a school outing at Peniel. (Check out Kim’s Facebook page to see pictures of FACE camp in action.)
365 days in a year. 360 acres of camp property. With only two families living on camp full time, we’re unable to do it all. If you’d like to help with a project around camp, we’d love to hear about it. Bring a group of teens, men, or women from your church, and we’d be thrilled to find suitable projects that can be accomplished in just a few hours, or even up to a couple of days. Overnight accommodations are always available free of charge for willing workers. Maybe you’re unable to come serve, but you’d like to give towards a current project happening at the camp. Please contact us, and we’d be happy to give you more information. God has been so faithful in meeting the financial and physical needs of Peniel Bible Camp over the years, and we are confident He will use church families and individuals across the state of Ohio and beyond to continue to do so. There are many opportunities. Thank you for your willingness to be of service to the Lord and to us!
Shaded paths, peaceful lakes, rolling hills… make plans now to take advantage
of this beautiful place this fall or winter. Cabins are available for
rent at a very affordable rate for family reunions, youth groups, church
leadership planning teams, and individuals who want a place to relax, unwind,
and reconnect with God and each other in this picturesque setting. Contact us
today with any questions and to check on availability.
“We are so grateful for the financial and prayer support of individuals, families, and churches like you. Thank you for loving our family and the ministry of Peniel Bible
Camp. We’re blessed to have been a part of this camp life for the past 15 years, and we look forward to many more, Lord willing.” CONTACT US:
Peniel Bible Camp
3260 St. Rt. 314
Fredericktown, OH 43019
-Izaac, Kim,
Ashlyn, Brenna, and Carson
- Sept. 21-23 MCS FACE camp
Sept. 23-24 BJU’s Rooted & Grounded at Peniel
Sept. 30-Oct. 1 Couples’ Retreat
Oct. 7-8 OBF Conference at Orwell Bible Church
Oct. 20-21 NCS FACE camp
Oct. 28-29 Young Adult Retreat
Nov. 2-4 IGES gift show– TN