Update from the VanderSchels – Fall 2014

(For a printable version, click VanderSchel’s newsletter 0ct 2014) catching up with our family… Please join us in a quick review of what we’ve been up to over the recent (and not so recent) months. May: Izaac helped direct the … Continue reading

(For a printable version, click VanderSchel’s newsletter 0ct 2014)

catching up with our family…
Please join us in a quick review of what we’ve been up to over the recent (and not so recent) months.


  • Izaac helped direct the Father/Son Retreat at the camp.
  • Kim ran an elementary volleyball league at Northside Christian School and hosted an ethnic banquet for the ladies at Westerville Bible Church.
  • Izaac spoke at the graduation ceremony of Zanesville Christian School.
  • Ashlyn, Brenna, and Carson finished up the 2013/2014 school year.
  • We all enjoyed our annual Memorial Day Celebration at Peniel with a patriotic service in the chapel, tractor train rides, 5K walk/run, and lots of food and fellowship.


  • Kim and Izaac celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary.
  • We hosted various weeks of rental groups at the camp—families and teens.
  • Peniel kicked off its own summer schedule with a family camp, Pastor’s Conference, and Training Camp for upcoming summer staff.
  • Kim helped direct the Mother/Daughter Retreat and enjoyed singing with Ashlyn and Brenna. The ladies were blessed to have Barb Leatherwood as our speaker.


  • Summer was in full swing!! Camp became a construction site for hundreds of youth campers as we enjoyed 4 weeks of being “Under Construction”. God did great things as spiritual decisions were made, souls were saved, new friendships were formed, and lots of fun was had.
  • Ashlyn and Brenna were campers for Teen 1 week, and Carson enjoyed Junior 2. Izaac served as the “Architect” for the theme.


  • Sports for the new school year began at Northside. Kim coached the varsity volleyball team this fall. Ashlyn and Brenna played JV and V volleyball, and Carson was on the middle school soccer team.
  • Carson turned 11 on the 10th! We’re so thankful to the Lord for our son.
  • Ashlyn and Brenna started high school as freshmen this year. Carson began his last year of elementary school in the 6th grade.
  • Izaac’s legislative work with BCSA (Buckeye Christian School Association), as well as his soccer refereeing, picked back up again for a new season.
  • We continued to host multiple weeks of school camps here at Peniel through the month, providing games, activities, store times, and any other necessary logistical support. What a great way for these schools to start a new year!


  • CRAZY “runnin’-around” month! 3 different sports teams and Izaac’s reffing schedule kept us on the go—almost always in at least 3 different directions.
  • Izaac made a quick trip to Washington DC to attend the AACS National Legislative Convention.
  • We hosted our Men’s and Women’s Retreats here at Peniel. Izaac and Kim helped plan and direct the activities for those two retreats. All those who attended were greatly blessed by our speakers, John Vaugn and Beth Lynch. The ladies did crafts and shot rifles; the men threw tomahawks and ate lots.
  • At the end of the month, Izaac and Kim were invited to the Indiana Association of Christian School’s Educator’s Convention to promote Peniel.


  • The Couples’ Retreat concluded Peniel’s regular season fall retreats. Jon Daulton and his wife were a blessing to all of us as they ministered to the couples in chapel.
  • Soccer and volleyball seasons have come to an end at Northside. The kids will all be gearing up for basketball soon.
  • We began shutting down parts of the camp and preparing them for the winter. Renters during the winter months will only use Ashbrook Hall and the A-frame cabins, so water is drained down on the other side of camp.
  • Work began again on our new house. The men have tied the electric and sewage to the rest of the camp systems. We’re still patiently waiting on God’s timing.

Prayer Requests:

  • God’s provision of funds and wisdom in decisions made as we continue to make progress on the new house
  • Izaac’s opportunities for witness at the Statehouse- Wed. morning Bible studies
  • Continued promotion of Peniel Bible Camp across and outside the state
  • More churches to partner with our family financially to bring us to 100% support
  • Safety in travel- avg. 1,000 miles a week